Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Here's lookin' at you

2 weeks old (+ a day) and eyes opening!

This is Gerta. Sara was the first to open her eyes upon the world yesterday. Today all but Bea are peeking. They're not barking at loud, sudden noises yet although woofs and grrrs are heard among all the squeaks. And they appear to be ever more curious about other things to taste besides momma.

Let me tell you when you're holding a little one and it leans over and licks and sucks your chin... well, if you don't melt there's something seriously wrong and you should without hesitation get in to see a cardiologist.


Kim said...

puppy hickies!!!!!

2Grandmas2 said...

There are never enough pictures of these babies.

Dawn said...

Your babies are wonderful! I want that one, and that one, and oh yeah that one is just so cute!

Follow Your Heart... said...

Cute-cute! I think Greta is the coolest!

Elbeepem said...

Welcome to the visual world little ones! (

Famous last words, "No, I am NOT picking out a favorite!" Way too tempting!