Saturday, July 3, 2010

Zelda (FKA Sara) update

"What a pup! Quite feisty! Lots of energy to chase balls and have running fits. Adapting well to new house and yard. Not a huge chowhound but eating well with Royal Canin kibble, chicken, cottage cheese mix-ins. Loves to dig and chew everything in sight (wood, rocks, leaves, really everything at least once) but to be expected. Someone gave her a Gumby toy which she carries around everywhere. Has learned to sit and come pretty reliably. Must work on jumping and barking though. In short, she's a great girl and we love her a lot! She's now AKC registered (as Toreth's Zelda Mae Buffalo Gal)!" - Lee and Lynn.

The babies are almost 16 weeks. She's teething and needs to chew. Rawhide "bones" are awesome. Kongs w/treats too.

The barking? Some are talkers. Zelda is definitely one of them. De-barking a dog can help you cope and dogs don't mind. They still get to chat away but it's less intense to our ears.

Jumping. Enlist a trainer if you haven't already. They can help you teach her that it's not appropriate. I have been taught that if you don't want a behavior ignore it. As soon as it stops treat. When she jumps up again ignore her again, and so on. Reward the behavior you want, ignore what you don't want. Be consistant. Hope that helps.
Personally I encourage the jumping up. I don't have to bend over so much to pet them. LOL
But she's really smart and I bet you can teach her to sit up instead of jumping up.

Dog!! I love her ears! Love her name!!!!!


Traci said...

She's so CUTE, and I love her ears too! :)

In regards to barking, I would try teaching "quiet"... praise when quiet and treat.
I also used a shake can when mine would bark incessantly. They'd bark and I'd give the can a shake. The noise would stop them from barking and then it would give you the opportunity to praise the "quiet". To make the shaker can, my trainer taught me to put 13 pennies in an empty soda can and tape the top closed.

Good luck with Zelda... she's a doll!!!

Elbeepem said...

She is beautiful...ears and all!