Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Photo

What a day! She had 3 pts. prior to this so with this 5 pt. major she's more than halfway home.
I look at the photo and I still see a puppy who needs to mature. Her mother received her first major at the Richland show two years ago. She was four years old but really I needed to learn to be a better handler more than anything Kayla was lacking.

Thank you Carolyn and Mandy for Kayla and letting her have Huxley for a husband.

Thank you Rev. Dr. Patrick Ormos for this incredible experience. There were a lot of wonderful dogs present and you can only pick a few of them to be winners. I'm truly grateful you picked my girl to stand among them.

Now time to get back to work....


penni said...

A very nice "win photo" to go with a very nice win. Congrats again.

dreameyce said...

You both look BEAUTIFUL, and the photo looks great! I'm so proud of how successful you've been in your breeding program already, and it'll only go up from here! Keep up the good work, and I'll keep cheering for you from the sidelines!

Again, congrats!

Holly said...

Very, very nice! CONGRATS!!

Elbeepem said...

Whoo hoo!

Kristine said...

Le'o: That win photo is the very best I've ever seen! You and Rogue both look beautiful and I love the smile on your face. I think Rogue is one of the best looking Cardis around! Congrats again!

starrynights said...

Great photo. I especially love how happy you look! And you should be. It was a lovely win for a lovely dog!

Traci said...

what a great photo! :) Rogue is a lovely girl who will only keep getting better and better! Lots to be proud of Le'o! Congrats!!!!

Taija said...

Oh, that's Rogue! Haven't visiting your blog for awhile now and the one that catches my eye is the one who did the same as a small puppy! Congratulations - she is lovely!