Thursday, August 27, 2009

"Opinions are like..."

So I got a little white trash in my family tree. Okay. A lot. At the beginning of the year I picked up this little magnet calendar with country expressions for all sorts of circumstances. Today's says:

"If you don't have an opinion during a debate with other friends, you might say...

I ain't got no dog in this race."

I have yet to find a dog person who doesn't have an opinion about just about anything, including myself. Another more familiar phrase is "Opinions are like (insert orifice here) ... everyone has one."

There is wisdom to be learned from dogs: In some circles we can learn a lot from each other. Sometimes, however, it's wise to keep things to oneself.

I'll be saving "I ain't got no dog..." for just such an occasion.

Have a great day!!


penni said...

Funny you should say that -- I had a judge tell a lawyer who was posturing and haranguing, "you don't have a dog in this hunt. Sit down"

Jenn said...


Thank you, Le'o, I needed a good laugh today.
